Avalanche NextGen Workbench

The first complete visual tool for biological data analysis



Avalanche Workbench is a suite of VISUAL tools for DNA sequence analysis and data mining. The emphasis is put on 'easy to use' and 'visual'.


Fully visual and Easy to use

Avalanche NextGen in monolithic (totally self-contained). No Perl, Python, Java, DotNet, DLLs, web modules, etc are required.
It was made by biologists for biologists.
You don't have to 'poke' a single command line in order to install/configure/use the program. Everything is visual.



Sequence Data Mining
Instantly search (eSearch, eLink, eSummary, eFetch) biology databases such as NCBI

Sequence Editor/Analyzer
The most advanced visual sequence editor/visualizer on the market.
Supports FastQ, SFF and Fasta files. It offers advanced conversion, dereplication, cleaning functions.

Sequence Dereplicator

NCBI Blast Installer

NCNI Blast MakeDB

NCBBI DB Downloader

A module for Nucleotide Probe Design



Project status

The project is still under development but most modules are already finished. We expect to release the final version in about one month.



Avalanche NextGen Workbench is freeware. Redistribution of the product is not permitted. Instead please link to our web site.



Download the package. Unpack the program before executing it!!!!



Constructive feedback is highly appreciated !!